Sunday, July 26, 2009

生活隨筆:Goodbye, sayang

I blame myself for couldn't be there.
And I still remember our brief encounter about a month ago. The dim sum, the hug, your smiles, and our promise that we'll watch your movie together soon after you've finished your projects.
I remember you asking me once on why I wouldn't make my own movie. I told you I have no story to tell. And you just laughed at my silly excuse. Everyone has a story to tell, you said.
And I know you still have plenty of lovely stories to touch our hearts. You are one of the best storytellers I know. Yet so little time, so much stories untold.
I'll come visit you with a bouquet of flower when I come back.
Thank you, sayang, for all the laughter and the tears, and the stories you shared with me. All of that will remain as one of the best memories I'd treasure forever.

Monday, July 13, 2009

MOVIE:《Ghost Town》我尚未完成的心愿




誰能預料死亡的時間點呢? Frank是個深具魅力的中年男子,事業有成,正打算買一棟公寓給情婦,以為可以瞞天過海,不料卻因驟然離世留下爛攤子,被妻子揭發了外遇行徑。